How do Tri-C's ELOs help you in the workplace and in the real world?
Tri-C's 基本学习成果 are seven real-world skills you can incorporate into every course you take at Tri-C. You can also use these skills throughout your career and in your daily life. 请看下面.
我们不希望你只是接受你听到的. 批判性和创造性思维 (CCT) will help you learn how to effectively contemplate an idea or problem and put your own innovative spin on it to create a new idea, 解决方案或产品.
CCT衡量的是学生的分析能力, evaluate and integrate information to assess problems and ideas and transform them in innovative or imaginative ways.
- 研究适合你工作的最新软件
- 审查贷款的商业计划
- 从一个新的角度思考一个话题
- 将食材转化为餐厅的新菜
- 设计一个计划来帮助孩子理解一个新概念
- Looking at leaf damage to determine which bugs are damaging your vegetable gardens
How can the actions you take affect your city, state, country and beyond? 公民责任 (CR) explains the link between individuals' actions — or inactions — and how they shape the world around us.
CR measures how well students analyze the results of actions and inactions within the larger local and/or global communities.
- 领导一项社区投票倡议
- Getting your employees involved in community improvement projects around your office
- Reaching out to community members to see if your business can help fill a need
- Creating a business to share your American Sign Language skills at community events
- 了解回收对环境的积极影响
Appreciating diverse cultures is vital in all aspects of your life. 文化敏感性 (CS) will teach you to appreciate the things that make each culture so unique.
CS measures how well students can demonstrate sensitivity to the beliefs, 的观点, values and practices of cultures within and beyond the United States.
- 在工作中成立多元化、公平和包容委员会
- 包括所有工作庆祝的节日
- 知道如何在庆祝活动中融入其他文化
- 欣赏不同的观点
- Making all patients feel comfortable by interacting with them using their cultural norms
- Researching what foods to omit from a nutrition plan for a patient from another country
There is so much information out there — how can you tell if it's credible? 如果你想研究一个主题,你如何找到可靠的信息? 信息素养 (IL) teaches you to evaluate info to see if it's trustworthy.
IL衡量的是学生习得的好坏, evaluate and use information from credible sources to meet specific research purpose needs.
- Researching the source of an article to see if it can be trusted
- Knowing what online sources to check if you are researching a topic
- 在研究新工作设备时获取信息
- 调查你所在城市的雇员法
- 正确地引用同行评议文章的来源
- 仔细研究心脏健康的最新运动
- 根据你的生活方式分析狗的品种
无论你是在反对不公正, asking for a raise at work or explaining a new process to a co-worker, 口头交流 (OC) will give you the skills and confidence to speak up about anything and make sure your ideas are understood.
OC measures how students use effective verbal and nonverbal communication for an audience that is clear, organized and delivered effectively following the standard conventions of that language.
- 向病人解释护理计划
- 面试新工作
- 大声反对不公正
- 向你的老板解释一个概念,而不是一个全新的员工
- 与客户分享你对一辆抛锚汽车的诊断
- 知道如何向邻居解释法律,而不是律师
- 向你的主管推销一个新的广告活动
- 为你的工作培训创建一个音频录音
数学无处不在! 当别人给你钱的时候, 测量, 计算利率, 数据或图表, 定量推理 (QR) will help you to understand and analyze it.
QR衡量的是学生分析问题的能力, 包括现实世界的场景, 通过数学概念和技能, 比如数据的解释, 表, 图表或图表.
- 制定并坚持预算
- 计算贷款的利息
- 为患者测量药物
- Calculating which supplier is giving you the lowest price per ounce
- 将阿联酋迪拉姆兑换成美元.S. 向客户收取正确的费用
- Analyzing test results to see how much more fertilizer your fruit trees need
- Starting your own tax prep business with your accounting degree
- 测量烘焙生日蛋糕的原料
- 账单的客户
So many things in life require you to have good writing skills. Creating resumes, contracts, short stories, lyrics — the list goes on! 书面交流 (WC) will help you organize your writing to make it clear for your intended audience.
WC measures how well students can demonstrate effective written communication for an intended audience with clarity, 组织编辑能力.
- 给同事写电子邮件
- 在工作中提出一种新的做法
- 以书面形式向病人或客户解释某事
- 制定病人护理计划
- 给老板写便条,而不是给客户或朋友
- 创作一个剧本并将其提交给电影节
- 为你的小企业创建合同
- Texting your Uber customer to let them know there has been a delay
想看看你的课程是否适用于ELO? Check out this alphabetized list of courses with their ELO mappings. If you do not see a course listed, it is not mapped to any ELOs.
Would you like to find a course that applies to an ELO you are missing? 参观 下面的链接 查看与每个ELO相关的所有课程的完整列表.
Tri-C's ELOs are seven areas of knowledge and skills that you gain throughout your time at Tri-C from all of the courses you take combined. These seven areas are important for your success in the workforce or at a four-year institution and are not specific to any one course, 纪律或计划. 确保你在毕业前把这七件事都收集好.
阅读我们的综合指南 从课程信息到项目资源.